Sunday, July 1, 2012

with God's help...

For those who were unable to be at the service yesterday- here are the words spoken...

The Covenant of Ordination
Jose Morales & Amanda Henderson

My Sister in the faith, do you believe that you are truly called by God and the Church to the life and work of ministry in the name of Jesus Christ? 
I do. 
Paul the apostle testified, “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.”  Will  you endeavor to be diligent in your practice of the Christian life: of taking time to read and explore the scriptures, to spend time in prayer, to be present to all people, and to strive for peace in God's name?
I will, with the help of God. 
Scripture teaches that the Church was devoted to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Will you endeavor faithfully to fulfill your calling among the people committed to your care: by preaching the word of God and the apostolic faith; and by presiding at the celebration of baptism and the Lord's Supper? 
I will, with the help of God. 
Scripture points towards ministers who are committed to caring for others, not by constraint but willingly, not for selfish gain but eagerly, not by domineering over those in their charge but by example. Will you endeavor to care for the people of God: nourishing, teaching, and encouraging them; giving direction to the life of the congregation; counseling the troubled; declaring God’s forgiveness of sin; celebrating life and proclaiming victory over death? 
I will, with the help of God. 
The Spirit of God led Jesus to preach good news to the poor, proclaiming release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, liberating the oppressed, and pointing to the Realm of God. Will you endeavor to walk with the people of God to the global mission of the Church: guiding their concern for justice, peace, and freedom for all people; and taking a responsible place in the governance of the Church and in service to the world? 
I will, with the help, of God. 
The apostle Paul proclaims the Church to be one body with many members. Will you endeavor to live and work in unity with all Christians: witnessing to the visible unity of the Church; cooperating with Disciples colleagues in the ministry of the congregational, regional, general and ecumenical church; and leading the Church in fulfilling its ministry of reconciliation- not only for Christians, but for all of humanity?
I will, with the help of God.
In the beginning the Spirit stirred over the waters and created life out of chaos. Throughout time God's creative and life giving energy has continued to bring new life to parched and thirsty land. Will you endeavor to step into God's creative rhythm to be a part of something new; to imagine new ways to be in ministry in our world today?
I will with the help of God.
Jesus allowed God and others to love him, then shared this love in incredible ways.  Will you allow others to help you and to love you?  Will you take to heart the words “nothing can separate you from the love of God”.  Will you take time to rest in God’s love and to share holy love with Kyle, Mia, Faith and Ryan- with all of your family and friends?  
I will with the help of God.
As you serve, pray, laugh, cry, write, play, run, learn, help others, and serve God will you strive to be the full person that God has called you to be– not conforming but constantly being transformed into a beloved child of God?
I will with the help of God.
May God who has given you the will to do these things give you grace to perform them.  Amanda, God who called you is faithful and will not fail you.

painting by Sandra Silberzweig

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